Consequences for the housing market after Budget Day 2021
As a Rotterdam real estate specialist, Room Rotterdam Real Estate is active in the housing market in various ways. As a real estate agent we advise on purchases and sales by private individuals and real estate investors, Room Rotterdam Real Estate is an appraiser and we are best known as a landlord of apartments to expats, international students and private individuals. Room Rotterdam Real Estate is therefore experiencing the consequences of the current situation on the housing market in every possible way.
- Budget Day 2021: More affordable owner-occupied and rental properties. Here are some key points.
1. Affordable Homes for Starters:
The speech from the throne recognizes the complexity of the overstressed housing market and emphasizes the government’s efforts to make affordable housing accessible, especially for first-time buyers.
2. Collaboration with Municipalities and Provinces:
Reference is made to cooperation with municipalities and provinces to stimulate housing construction. This implies a coordinated approach between different levels of government.
3. Financial Impulses and Additional Resources:
Previous financial incentives, including the payment of 1 billion euros into the ‘housing incentive’ pot, have contributed to the construction of more than a hundred thousand new homes. An additional 1 billion euros is now being made available for further construction. There is also talk of 100 million euros annually for ten years to stimulate rapid housing construction.
4. More direction from the government:
The government is committed to more direction from the government to tackle bottlenecks in housing construction. Additional resources are being made available to support these efforts.
5. Adjustments in Transfer Tax:
The transfer tax is differentiated, so that starters no longer have to pay it. This is intended to facilitate access to the housing market for starters.
6. Measures for Affordable Rents:
Measures are being taken to make more affordable rents possible. Details about these measures are not specifically mentioned.
Although the initiatives mentioned are aimed at addressing housing shortages and promoting affordable housing, it is recognized that the problem cannot be completely solved in the short term. The effectiveness of these measures will depend on their implementation and the extent to which they are applied in practice.
More subsidies for making homes more sustainable
The following two subsidy schemes are available from 2022 to 2024:
1. Insulation of Rental and Owner-Owned Homes (€514 million):
This subsidy is aimed at insulating both rental and owner-occupied homes. Insulation measures, such as roof insulation, wall insulation, and floor insulation, are essential to improve the energy efficiency of homes and reduce energy loss.
2. Hybrid Heat Pumps in Homes (€ 288 million):
The subsidy for hybrid heat pumps focuses on promoting sustainable heating solutions in homes. Hybrid heat pumps often combine a heat pump with an existing central heating boiler and can be an effective way to reduce CO2 emissions.
Here are some possible forms of subsidies for making homes more sustainable
1. Subsidy for Insulation:
Many governments offer subsidies for insulation measures, such as roof insulation, wall insulation, floor insulation and double glazing. Good insulation improves the energy efficiency of a home.
2. Subsidy for Solar Panels:
Subsidies are often provided for the installation of solar panels. Solar panels contribute to the generation of sustainable energy.
3. Subsidy for Heat Pumps:
Installing a heat pump may qualify for subsidies. Heat pumps contribute to more efficient heating of the home.
4. Energy Saving Measures:
Subsidies can be provided for various energy-saving measures, such as the use of energy-efficient appliances, LED lighting, and smart thermostats.
5. Subsidy for Sustainable Heating Systems:
Installing sustainable heating systems, such as biomass boilers, solar boilers and heating networks, may in some cases be eligible for subsidies.
6. Local and Regional Initiatives:
Certain municipalities, provinces or regions can offer specific subsidies for local initiatives in the field of sustainability and sustainability.
Landlords can apply for support through a subsidy scheme to renovate their homes as sustainably as possible.
Buyback protection
The purchase protection that was introduced on January 1, 2022 is intended to limit the purchase of homes by investors, especially in areas where the demand for owner-occupied homes is high. This measure is aimed at keeping homes available for starters and move-ups who plan to live in the home themselves. Important points regarding purchase protection are:
1. Restriction of Buyback:
In desirable areas, houses cannot simply be bought up for rental purposes. The aim is to increase the availability of owner-occupied homes.
2. Accessibility for Own Occupation:
The measure is designed to keep more homes available for people who plan to live in them themselves, such as starters and those moving on.
3. Municipal Application:
Municipalities have the option to introduce purchase protection based on their local situation and needs.
4. Uncertainty in Rotterdam:
The article states that it is not yet known whether and where the municipality of Rotterdam will introduce purchase protection. This means that the exact application of the measure in Rotterdam has yet to be determined.
For people who are looking for a home to purchase, purchase protection can have a positive impact on the availability of homes for personal occupancy. It is advisable to keep an eye on local news sources, the website of the municipality of Rotterdam or relevant government agencies for updates on the implementation of the buyback protection in Rotterdam.